The Art of Erotic Living

Living an erotic life is a choice.

It’s like deciding if we want to be fit, a boss babe, a devoted mother, wife or friend.

We can’t just hope that we’ll feel sexy and “in the mood”... it has to be desired, cultivated, nurtured and valued.

It needs to be one of those feelings so inherent and honored in our cells, that we make choices based on how we can light the fire.

And deep, hot, soulful sex is a part of it, but not all of it.

What are we reading, eating, listening to, telling ourselves, watching, drinking, writing, painting?

Does it turn us on to LIFE?

Discover the things that do.

And choose them over and over again.

Everything is a choice. ⠀⠀

Constance Jablonski by Fabien Baron